Hmmm, I started this blog during school holidays. Wow I had so much time to sit and do entries and think about things I would like to share, time to do my crafts and relax a bit. Now school is back in term, I am finding it so much harder to keep it all up. That morning rush, the afternoon attention that is required, dinners, baths, lunches, uniforms, readers, sight words, and on and on. I've also started feeding Oliver solids now. Its amazing how much time all these things take up. However, I strive to still find time for my self, to have time for a cup of coffee, time to read emails, do some crafts (though at a slower rate) and maybe even a bit of time to read. And then after all that I hope to do some blogging. :) I am still here, just at a bit of a slower rate at the moment.

I finally tracked down a copy of this gorgeous book I read about on some local craft blogs. Meet me at Mike's. Stay tuned for some fun crafts coming out of it.
I recently acquired some balls of wool of various colours from my late Grandmothers place. She was an amazing crafts person and has inspired me so much. I have been mucking around a bit with the wool trying to work out what I want to make. Started some Granny squ

ares last night. Tossing up between making a scarf or a blanket. Will see how fast I can get making the squares before decide!
Also made a cute crochet necklace for a friend recently. It was lots of fun making it.
I've added some Hat's and more autumn photos to slide shows.
Hope you are having a great autumn week.
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